Saturday, February 14, 2009

Big two-story school with big white columns

The next classroom blog I visited was the Jakarta, Indonesia class that corresponds with the fifth graders from New Zealand. Mrs. Jane's fifth grade class blog has an unusually, modern campus. Sinarmas World Academy is extraordinary. Each student has an inquiry site and their own blog site. The curriculum is outlined with helpful information. The teacher has very detailed assignments posted. The students even added a video game to their blog. They have words of wisdom and Bible verses like their peers in New Zealand. It was extremely interesting to view both classrooms' blogs.


  1. Problems. Graphic has a broken link. Meaning that it is not showing. Also, your weblink does not work. Note the two HTTP's in the address. Please correct.

  2. Hi Lynda,
    I'm Jane from Sinarmas World Academy. Thank you for commenting about our blog. I have shown your comment to my students. I have just moved schools and this school has a 1:1 laptop program.

  3. Great Blog. It is so awesome to be able to communicate with people from around the world through the Blog.

  4. Hey Jane,
    I am attending the University of South Alabama. I am taking a Microcomputing Systems class and we are writing a blog about an electronic conversation. Since I have already written a blog about your school, I decided to contact you. Will you share some of the technology you use in the classroom?
    I look forward to hearing from you!!
    Lynda Rigsby

  5. Nice posting. Great platform to meet the people.
    I hope we will have nice time overhere.
    Great classroom.

    Lynda i am also great fan of new technology. I only know about .net.

    external hard drives
